Bilingual kindergarten AltAstra

Views: 83
Advantages and possibilities of the AltAstra Bilingual kindergarten:

-online video surveillance
-Own fenced area for walking
-international education.
-bilingual education. (Classes with native English speakers
from UK, Canada and USA)

-FGOS Inspiration.
(The main educational program "Inspiration" "is based on the results of scientific research in the field of preschool childhood, the best domestic and foreign pedagogical experience in the field of preschool education

-STEM Laboratory
(Dedicated and organized laboratory for classes
children, which includes directions: the basics of reading, the basics
programming, foundations of mathematics and probability theory, foundations
cartography and astronomy, fundamentals of cryptography.

-Six STEM Education Modules:
1. Didactic system of F. Froebel
2. Experimenting with animate and inanimate nature
3.Lego construction
4. Mathematical development
6. Multistudio "I create the world"

Includes professional training for children in the following areas: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, rhythmic gymnastics, exercise therapy to improve the health of children.

Classes for the development of emotional intelligence, problem solving, teamwork, leadership.


Moscow City
Moscow city

Shelepikhinskaya Embankment st., 42 box 2

tel. +74994440594
tel. +7915 224-87-83
Actual on 13.11.2021
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