100 points, center of preparation for the exam

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With us, you will be able to prepare for the exam from any starting level. We have programs for strong students, and for those who develops the subject from scratch.
Turning to us, you will get:
- efficient and financially - beneficial option,
- lessons with the best Tutors of Samara,
-admission to the UNIVERSITY of Your dreams.
We are also preparing students for high school spring contests and additional entrance exams.
In order to prepare for the exam in Samara to go to College need regular practice sessions. The sooner you contact us, the better will be your result.


Samara Oblast
Samara city

str. Eroshevskogo, 3a

tel. +7 (987) 926-86-88
tel. +7 (987) 430-40-35

Actual on 01.01.2018
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