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Cargo transportation across Russia and the CIS from the company PITERAVTO

Quality and guaranteed delivery of goods on time, large fleet, extensive experience in the freight market, only professional drivers and logistics specialists.

We will find you the best option of car most suitable for your cargo and budget. There are all types of cars: Eighteen-Wheeler, Semitrailer, Coupling, Mega, Shalanda, Gazelle.

A full range of services:
- Transportation throughout Russia
- International transport
- Container transportation
- Rail transportation
- Transportations on Sankt-Petersburg and Flax. region

Trust your cargo to the professionals. Working with us, You will gain a valuable partner in the field of transportation and will be pleasantly surprised by our service shipping.

Call now, will tell all and answer any question.


Saint Petersburg City
Saint Petersburg city

Moskovskoe shosse, 25, korp. 1

tel. 8 (903) 097-65-79

Actual on 01.01.2018
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